Metaphor in the Arts, in Media and Communication
The RaAM 11 Conference
Image Credit: Artwork by Lynne Cameron: Landscapes of Possibility 1, Design by Studio Syberg
Berlin, July 1 - 4, 2016
We are pleased to announce the 11th conference of RaAM – the Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor which will be held at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 1 – 4 July, 2016. It is hosted by Cinepoetics - Center for Advanced Film Studies and chaired by Hermann Kappelhoff (Freie Universität Berlin), Cornelia Müller (European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder) and Michael Wedel (Filmuniversität Potsdam Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF).
RaAM is committed to the study of metaphor, metonymy and other forms of figurative expression in all domains of life and with a particular focus on the application of metaphor research to real-life issues. With the 2016 theme “Metaphor in the Arts, in Media and Communication”, the conference will embrace this central thought by putting the spotlight on ways of metaphorical communication – often beyond the scope of solely language-based discourse – in some of the most prominent areas of metaphor usage: film and other audio-visual media, literature, poetry, architecture, theatre, painting, music and dance as well as production design, social media and face-to-face communication.
The conference program of 130 papers, 4 themed panels and a poster session as well as 5 plenary sessions is now available online (subject to change).
Call for Papers
The call for papers for the 11th RaAM-conference invites researchers to submit abstracts for 20-minute papers, themed panels or posters addressing topics in all areas of the conference theme. Submission of abstracts closed on January 3rd, 2016.
Pre-conference methods workshop "How meaning becomes graspable" in Frankfurt/Oder
Prior to the conference, on June 29 - 30, 2016, we will offer a PhD-workshop that will focus on methods for analyzing metaphor usage in face-to-face discourse and in audio-visual images. It will provide an intimate setting for concentrated and collaborative work in a very pleasant environment at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), located close to Berlin and directly on the German-Polish border.